Thursday, December 5, 2013

Touching Lives, and Saying Goodbye

The folks of Central College Abroad!
(plus my brother and german sister, and my moroccan host family)
"There are places I remember, all my life, though some have changed.  Some forever not for better.  Some have gone, and some have remain.  All these places have their moments. With lovers and friends, I still can recall.  Some are dead and some are living.  In my life, I've loved them all."

-In My Life, the Beatles. 

Maybe I've been getting a little sentimental of late.  Then again, I tend to when things are wrapping up: the school year, breaks, camp season. Because, inevitably I have to say goodbye to a whole bunch of people.   Some I know that I will see again.  Some I probably will.  And still others, I will only ever see again if fate decides it so.  So as I prepare for another round of goodbyes, I'm taking the time to think on all the people that have entered my life lately, and all that they have taught me.  And I guess this is a shout out to all of you, a chance for me to say thank you, I miss you/ will miss you. 

The absolutely wonderful staff of Beaver Cross
I have met a lot of people in the last year, all kinds, from all places.  I've studied with them, sang with them, ate with them, worked with them, prayed with them, traveled with them, explored with them.  Each place I've lived, in the mountains of Marlboro VT, in the close knit community of Potsdam, in Staff Lodge of Beaver Cross, and in the bustling streets of Spain, the people around me have touched my life.  I can only hope that I have returned the favor in some way.

They all have their stories, things about them that make them totally unique from everyone else in the world.  And everyone has taught me a thing or two.  The fun times and the memories we made all equally important as any lessons.  All the trips for frozen yogurt, an experience I have had the pleasure of sharing with friends from upstate NY to Granada, Spain.  Hiking and water fights.  Exploring the Alhambra or getting shwarma at 3 am. Coming up with an a cappella arrangement on the fly.  Or just simply sitting the library late at night.

This has been a pretty big year in my life.  I've traveled and visited four different countries: Turkey, Spain, Morocco, Germany.  This is the first year I didn't live at home over the summer.  I've attended a different school each fall since freshman year: Clarkson, Marlboro, Centro de Lenguas Modernas Universidad de Granada.  While in my head, I might still feel like the little girl holding her mother's hand, I'm not.  Well...a part of me always will be that girl, but I've grown. And in no small part due to the people that have surrounded me.

In the many walks of life I've seen lately, I can say that it will always be the people that are the most memorable.  The things they have to say.  Their stories.  Their hope and dreams.  Fear and secrets.  We are all so fearfully and wonderfully made, that each life is a miracle in itself.

there's no place, and no people, like home
So... all these places have their moments, with lovers and friends I still can recall...In my life, I've loved them all.